What Is Black And White And Read/Red All Over?

What is black and white and read (and RED in the case of my lipstick!) all over? It’s NOT the newspaper… it’s YOU!


Is there something you’ve been wanting to try when it comes to your personal style but have been putting off? In my case it was red lipstick. Yes, something as SIMPLE as red lipstick. Apparently it wasn’t so simple because in all 36 years of my life I NEVER tried red lipstick, so I decided it was time to get out of my comfort zone and try something NEW. Naturally I thought to myself, “What is the worst that can happen?” I’d HATE it and BURN the pictures of me wearing it–not the end of the world.



Armed with a Kim Kardashian-inspired photo for reference, I headed to my local MAC store and explained that I didn’t want something too coral-y or too outrageous. The end result was BOOM BOOM POW as Fergie would say. At first glance I was a bit shocked when I saw myself in the mirror–only because I had never seen myself in such a bright color before. I also never expected that changing my lipstick color would actually affect the way that I FEEL. I felt like I could conquer the world that day (HELLO Superwoman!)


Will I wear red lipstick every day? No (I still love my daily go to, Jennifer Lopez-inspired nude colored lips!) but I will definitely reach for red when it’s one of those days where I’m missing my magic cape!


Top: Carlisle Collection Linear Tunic

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